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About Us

Dailey & Associates Certified Brokers, LLC was established in 2018, by Principal/Broker, Kimberley Dailey, JD.  With a strong knowledge and understanding of the ebbs and flows of the Atlanta metro neighborhoods and surrounding area markets, we can guide our clients through the ever changing property values in a complex market. 

Dailey and Associates Certified Brokers, LLC, building trusting and long lasting relationships. 

If people like you, they'll listen to you, but if they trust you, they'll do business with you.
~Zig Ziglar
Motivational Speaker and Author 

Our Real Estate Team

When you think of Real Estate, know that Dailey and Associates Certified Brokers, LLC has the key to unlock greatness with you in mind. With our unique teaching and educating method, your level of understanding the real estate market will move you from a 2 to an 8 because as a team, we are a 10!

We have a strong concentration with first time buyers and working with pioneer investors to leverage their opportunity to grow their wealth!

Kimberley L Dailey, JD

Principal Broker & CEO

Torreen Cummings

Realtor, MRP, AWREP, REPM-Specialist 

Debbie Gallimore

Associate Broker

Julie Garfield

Support Administrator