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To Educate

There's an old proverb, 'the apple does not fall far from the tree." This is typically said in connection with children who show qualities or talents that are similar to those of their parents.

If you are in the market of acquiring investment properties, why not get your children involved as well. Just think, the average four-year college student will attend school and reside either on or off campus paying rents during their enrollment period. But who is benefiting? What if you , as the parent, could change the game? We help parent investors acquire properties in the vicinity of local colleges and or universities, with the intent to lease to the student body, and in turn educate their own student/child on property ownership, management and on business savvy techniques of real estate 101.


Starting 2023, giving back to the community is what keeps Dailey & Associates Certified Brokers, LLC focused on those that matter the most. Our “pay it forward” campaign allows us to spotlight two charitable organizations each year and share donations and participate in fundraising and community service activities.  If you would like to nominate a charity or community organization to be considered for this program let us know.